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Vehicle Tracking - bidTrack

BIDTRACK is your tried and tested, peace-of-mind solution, offering more than 25 years’ experience in the security  and vehicle tracking industry. Our in-house Research and Development team has during that time successfully tailored a comprehensive range of locally-manufactured car tracking devices and systems specifically to South African conditions. Through proprietary ownership of this technology, BIDTRACK is able to ensure ongoing innovation and value-adding, thereby keeping you and your loved ones safely ahead of the curve.


Our insurance-approved entrylevel tracking unit, suitable for all budgets. Our two-way messaging system will ensure that we will regularly self test your system to ensure always on.



Our flagship car-tracking system with true Satellite Tracking to four-metre-street-level accuracy. It enables around-the-clock, cellphone-based monitoring that includes the vehicle’s whereabouts, as well as its direction and speed if on the move.


High Alert

Features our breakthrough innovation in early warning technology, the ability to recognise ‘static theft’ – when your vehicle has, without authorisation, been started and driven away. High Alert also features our newly-developed Vehicle Grid Location feature.



Two-way messaging between your installed unit and BIDTRACK’s National Control Centre adds probable-theft-in-progress alerts to this product (see Features below). BIDTRACK ACTIV also gives you access to our newly developed Vehicle Grid Location feature.


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